Category: Stable versions
Hits: 117215

After several months of development, we are very proud to release our new stable version of CAELinux, called CAELinux 2008.
As usual, this release contains many enhancements, new softwares and should give you a much better user experience.

CAELinux 2008 is based on the PCLinuxOs 2007 distribution with the latest updates and should support the most recent hardwares / chipset for a much better compatibility and ease of use. It now comes with a newer kernel in version with support  for up to 4Gb Ram and  4 CPUs.

Additionnally, the release of CAELinux 2008 contains the new release of the GPL Salome_Meca 2008 package developed by EDF (and many others). This updated package represents the fusion of Code-AMD5sum​_ster STA9.2 finite element solver and the Salome  v3.2.9 CAD/Pre/Post GUI and allows to run a complete FEA study directly from the SALOME graphical user interface. Also, CAELinux 2008 is the first release to include a working and well integrated version of Code-Saturne v1.3.1 (CFD solver developed by EDF) which can be easily interfaced with many meshing and post pocessing programs. With these software, Open-Source FEA is making a jump in ease of use and gets always closer to commercial FEA & CFD codes!


LiveDVD version


This LiveDVD distribution is based on a compressed file system on the DVD and requires that the system decompresses all the necessary softwares into RAM in order to run. In LiveDVD mode, a strict minimum of 512Mb is required to use this distribution for simple FE analysis. But you can create a Linux swap partition on one hard disk to help or choose the option to install the distribution to hard disk for optimal performance. However, 1Gb of RAM (or more) is highly recommended for every day work. At the moment most of the classical chipsets for Intel (P4, Pentium M, Core2Duo) and AMD (Athlon XP, Athlon 64, Athlon X2) platforms are supported with some exceptions especially concerning external USB modems, specific laptop devices (some wireless network cards) and very specific hardware like Raid controllers. For more help on hardware support / detection / troubleshooting, you should refer to PCLinuxOS forums :


VMWare version


The VMWare version of CAELinux 2008 requires a powerfull computer to run smoothly: at least a Pentium 4 3Ghz with 768Mb of RAM and 15Gb of free space on a FAT32, NTFS or EXT2/3 partition. To run the Virtual Machine, you will absolutely need the free VMWare Player or VMWare Workstation (>=5.0) and a recent version of WinRAR (3.x) to decompress the package.



For the moment, a first documentation is available in the GettingStart.html  & CAELinux 2007 Installation Manual  file included in the distribution. Several tutorials, videos and examples are included on the distribution and also downloadable on the wiki


CAELinux2008 is available in two packages:  the ISO image version to run as a LiveDVD or to install the system on a native partition or the Virtual Machine version to run CAELinux 2008 from within your current OS.

LiveDVD (ISO image):

Size: 2.46 Gb

MD5Sum: cd6bc3085ae8d4de3d287ee6d4ec6aa1 

VMWare virtual machine (RAR archive):

Size: 1.92 Gb

MD5Sum: c2111eef079dfcacb8a7c5e9c6075632

Download links

Direct  HTTP download / MD5sum