This latest integrated Salome & Code-Aster software package, called Salome-Meca-2009 , has been recently updated by EDF France and is distributed in GPL licence.

As in previous version , CAELinux is taking part in the distribution of this great  GPL package.

Salome-Meca-2009 contains the newly integrated software suite combining Salome v.4.1.6 Pre-Post processor  & Code-Aster v9.4 FE solver and  includes the easy to use Code-Aster module for Salome and its Analysis Wizards.


Salome-Meca-2009 is distributed in the form of a simple to install "tar.gz" archive containing all the required binaries to run the software on any recent Linux platform. All the required libraries are included in the archive so the only prerequisite should be a running version of  "python" .

To install Salome-Meca-2009, you should simply extract the content of the archive to its final destination like for example "/opt" and then run the post-installation script in a terminal: see README  for a detailed installation procedure.

 Running Salome-Meca

Then to run Salome-Meca-2009, simply launch the "runSalome" script from the installation folder


 SALOME-MECA-2009.1-GPL-i386.tgz  (32bit binaries) :  548'254'544  bytes  (~540 Mb)

 MD5Sum: c4d1e5a3dbae8225c54bd0bb09f1fbf6

 Download Salome-Meca-2009.1-GPL