CAELinux 2017: New version in development
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- Written by Joël Cugnoni
- Category: News
- Hits: 13678
After a long break, we have the pleasure to let you know that a new release of CAELinux is in development. Based on Xubuntu 16.04 64bit, the new release will propose an up to date suite of open source computer aided engineering applications such as :
Finite Element simulation:
- Salome-Meca 2017 with the new GUI module AsterStudy
- Code-Aster 13.4 FEA (MPI version)
- Elmer FEM multiphysics solver
- Calculix with CalculixLauncher GUI
Computational fluid dynamics:
- Code Saturne 5 Finite Volume CFD solver (MPI parallelism) with Salome & Paraview Pre-Post
- HelyXOS GUI (hex dominant mesher, preprocessor) with OpenFOAM CFD solver (MPI)
- Javafoil, XLFR5, XFoil
CAD/CAM & Electronics
- Freecad stable version with Openscad & FEA module
- Salome CAD & mesher
- LibreCAD / Inkcape for 2D drawings
- Pycam, Flatcam, HeeksCNC, pcb2gcode CAM preprocessors, Camotics 3axis milling simulation
- Kicad EDA, Arduino IDE
Mathematics, Scientific tools & Development
- Octave, Scilab, R, RkWard &Rcmdr, wxMaxima, Spyder / Scipy & Python, Gnu compilers for C/C++/Fortran
- Latex & Texmaker for scientific editing
- Libre Office suite
- Jabref literature database manager
and many more...
You can now download and try the current beta version from here:
CAELinux 2017 Testing on Sourceforge.net
We expect to finalize this new version by end 2017 or early 2018.
CAELinux 2013
- Details
- Written by Joël Cugnoni
- Category: News
- Hits: 40838
Although seriously delayed, we are pleased to announce our new release CAELinux 2013
CAELinux 2013 is based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64bit distribution and contains a unique suite of open source simulation tools for FEA, CFD or multiphysics simulation but also a large panel of other engineering software for CAD-CAM & 3D printing, electronics, mathematics & programming . CAELinux 2013 represents a complete rebuild of the distribution with up-to-date software for a better support of modern hardware and a significantly enhanced ease of use, and we hope that you will enjoy it.
This release is available in the form of an liveDVD ISO image for AMD/Intel 64 bit CPUs that can be burned on a DVD or installed on a USB key for "mobile" use and testing and then installed on hard-disk for best performance. A virtual machine image for use on Amazon EC2 (standard and cluster instances) is also available.
Interested ? Get your copy of CAELinux 2013 here
CAELinux in the Cloud
- Details
- Written by Joël Cugnoni
- Category: News
- Hits: 49438
CAELinux on Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing infrastructure
Do you wish to run a large simulation job but you cannot afford to pay for an high-end server with 64gb of RAM? You CFD simulation are taking days on your laptop and you would like to speed-it up using an "on-demand" Cluster?
CAELinux in the Cloud may be the solution you were waiting for !
Using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, you can now run as many CAELinux servers, on-demand, with the hardware that fits your simulation needs (up to 8 cores / 64 GB RAM) and this just by paying the server hours !
Update: for an up to date procedure please follow this thread on the forum
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