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Urgent Help Needed - Qubes Ethernet Adapter Not Supported in VMs

  • Shruti Grover
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10 months 1 week ago - 10 months 1 week ago #10448 by Shruti Grover
Hello Everyone

I recently installed Qubes OS on my system and have been thrilled with its security features and compartmentalization capabilities. However, I've run into a roadblock when it comes to setting up Ethernet connections for my VMs.It appears that the Ethernet adapter is not being recognized or supported within the virtual machines (VMs). I've tried setting up various VMs (Fedora, Debian, Whonix) and have faced the same issue across all of them. I've ensured that the VMs are configured to use the Qubes-provided network settings, but the Ethernet adapter remains inactive within the VMs.

What I've Tried:

I've searched through Qubes documentation, forums, and online resources, but I haven't been able to find a solution that works for my specific issue. I've also attempted the following steps without success:
  1. Reinstalling VMs: I tried creating new VMs from scratch, thinking that the initial setup might have been flawed, but the problem persists.
  2. Updating Qubes and VMs: I made sure that Qubes OS and all VMs are up to date with the latest updates and patches.
  3. Checking BIOS Settings: I ensured that my BIOS settings are properly configured for virtualization support.
  4. Ethernet Drivers: I researched if there are specific Ethernet drivers required for Qubes VMs, but couldn't find any conclusive information.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.Best regards,
Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by Shruti Grover.
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