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Format problem LIRE_TABLE

9 years 3 months ago #8391 by Uri
Format problem LIRE_TABLE was created by Uri
Hi everybody,

I'm working on a structural simulation using code_Aster via Salome-Meca v6_6. My model uses temperatures from openFOAM and I have created a table with data ( NOEUD and TEMP ). My problem is the format of columns.

I have followed exemples from internet about how to creat a table in ASTER format:

K8 R
N1 323.26
N2 324.21
... ....

But, I obtain the following error: :pinch:
   ! <EXCEPTION> <TABLE0_11> 					!
   ! 										!
   ! Nombre de champs incorrect ligne 1				!
   ! 										!
   ! On attend 2 champs dans le fichier				!
   ! 										!
   ! Le format de la ligne semble incorrect				!
   ! Ligne lue :								!
   ! 	N1	323.26 							!
   ! 										!
   ! Il ne satisfait pas l'expression régulière : 			!
   !	(.{8})\ +([0-9\.,\-\+eEdD]+) 				!

Obviously , it is a error format, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have followed examples.

In addition, I have tried using another table format, the TABLEAU, but it doesn't work. The table is read but the nodes don't. When the software carries out the CREA_CHAMP command, the next error is appeared: :pinch:
le noeud ???????? ne fait pas partie du mallage : therm

The mesh is therm and it is in .med format.

Could you help me to resolve my problem? Has anyone seen this problem? :(

9 years 3 months ago #8394 by Uri
Replied by Uri on topic Re: Format problem LIRE_TABLE

I've solved this problem. Changing the commands of the ".com" I've got that the table has been read but another problem has been appeared.
Now in my ".com", The first table is read using LIRE_TABLE (TABLEAU format), after this is imprinted in ASTER format. Finally, it is again read using LIRE_TABLE in ASTER format too. The problem appears when the command of CREA_CHAMP is used. Suddenly, the process is interrupted.

This is the message:


I'm using salome-meca-2013 v6_6
Can you help me?

9 years 3 months ago #8395 by Uri
Replied by Uri on topic Re: Format problem LIRE_TABLE
Ok, I've got solved ALL problems.

Finally, I've only used one command to read table, which was in ASTER format. The command has been LIRE_TABLE and I've put the following table:

#TITRE temp
N1 ,323.26
N2 ,324.21
N10 ,359,57
N100 ,398,3
... ....

The principal problem was the node format, which has to be K8 but code_aster couldn't read with N1 = 2 characters. The solution has been to put spaces, depending on the characters of node name.
N1 -> 2+ 6spaces=8
N10 -> 3+5spaces=8
N100 -> 4+4spaces=8

And the separator has been a comma.

Good luck
9 years 3 months ago #8396 by Claus
Replied by Claus on topic Re: Format problem LIRE_TABLE
Thanks for posting the solution :)

You're more than welcome to post a small guide with results on the wiki - it needs openFOAM + CA examples - i.e. it has none :)


Code_Aster release : STA11.4 on OpenSUSE 12.3 64 bits - EDF/Intel version
9 years 3 months ago #8397 by Uri
Replied by Uri on topic Re: Format problem LIRE_TABLE
I will try it. I have no too time.
When I will be able to do it, I'll write a simple example about fluid simulation (onpenFOAM) to structural simulation (code_aster).

The workflow is done.

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