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Modifying the mesh and running test case

9 years 1 month ago #8510 by Ben
Hey everyone!

I have 2 questions:
First: I would like to be able to modify my mesh without modifying the geometry (it is way faster for pre-sizing). For exemple add a fillet radius to the linkage of 2 perpendicular plates.

Second: How can I run the test case?? I am opening astk, import the SSLS115a test and when I press run nothing happen. Could you tell me what to do??

9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #8512 by kwou
Hoi Ben

what do you do exactly with ASTK when you say:

I am opening astk, import the SSLS115a test and when I press run nothing happen

I copied the 4 SSLS115a files into a directory, started ASTK, defined the following:

comm file (1)
datg file (16)
mmed file (20) and
mess file (6).

the I hit run and get an error for line 23:


Mots cl?s inconnus : NOM

When I replace line 23 by:
everything works fine.
(I donot know why NOM is not defined for the internet code.)

I do not know whether as_run still can be used for test cases. On my system it was not installed:

No command 'asrun' found, did you mean:
Command 'srun' from package 'slurm-llnl' (universe)
Command 'as_run' from package 'code-aster-run' (universe)


kees@KataTjuta:/cae_sg500/caexample/caelinux/ssls15/ssls15a$ as_run ssls115a
The program 'as_run' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install code-aster-run

the top I included because I like slurm!

Interest: structural mechanics, solar energy (picture at 'my location' shows too little pv panels)

kind regards - kees
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by kwou.
9 years 1 month ago #8514 by Ben
Hey keeswouters,

Thanks for your help.
The thing is I do not even have an error message. Here are the pictures of what I do:

1 - I run Salome-Meca, open the code_aster module, create a new study and run astk;

File Attachment:

2- I import the ssls115a test case with astk:

File Attachment:

3- I have only those 3 files after the importation:

File Attachment:

4- Then I hit the RUN button, and the following text appears:

File Attachment:

Why is that? I mean even if I modify the .comm file by replacing the line with DEBUT() it does not seem to run right?
9 years 1 month ago #8515 by Claus
Seems like it ran fine.

The first two cases ended with an alarm which could be anything, but the cases ended.
The next two you can see by pressing 'refresh'

To see what the alarm is, open the .mess file - either manually or right click the .mess line in ASTK and select open or edit


Code_Aster release : STA11.4 on OpenSUSE 12.3 64 bits - EDF/Intel version
9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #8517 by kwou
Hoi Ben, Claws,

some general information regarding these test cases, just in case you overlooked it:
this test case hardly generates any output in the sense that it does not create a MED (or any other) file with displacements, stresses, or alike.
Ik checks some displacements, stresses against reference values and if allright, nothing much happens.
What happens in case of failure, I do not know.

Interest: structural mechanics, solar energy (picture at 'my location' shows too little pv panels)

kind regards - kees
Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by kwou.
9 years 1 month ago #8520 by Ben
Hey guys,

thanks for the support. I have a better understanding of what are the test cases now. I need to modify the .comm file so that code_aster generates a.rmed file with the data I want.

Regarding the second question, do you have any idea? The problem is I import a .stp file made with CATIA in Gmsh, and then I mesh it and alayse it. What I would like to do is not going back in CATIA to do minor modifications, so I would like to directly change the mesh. Is that possible?

Thanks and happy new year!
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